These melodic figures and their corresponding control functions can be described as:
1) trill, pulse wave
2) fingered tremolo, pulse wave with increased amplitude of modulation
3) glissando, linear ramp
4) scale, discrete sampling of a linear ramp
5) vibrato, triangle or sinusoid with low amplitude of modulation
6) up-down arpeggio, discrete sampling of a triangle function with high amplitude of modulation
7) melodic sequence, sawtooth (or any other shape) that is itself modulated by a ramp function
8) motivic melodic figure, discrete sampling of an arbitrary shape as it changes over time
9) up-down arpeggio (variation), discrete sampling of a sinusoidal function
You can probably imagine many other similar melodic shapes that are similarly simple yet effective.
These examples show clearly how a melody can be thought of as pitch modulation by a control function, and the shape can be simple, as in most of these examples, or more complex, as in example 8 above.
Sometimes more interesting effects can be achieved by using using these shapes operating at different formal levels at the same time, or with one shape modulating another as in example 7 above.
The triangle function, while decidedly not the most interesting shape imaginable, is particularly recognizable, and therefore is good for exemplifying these principles clearly. So we'll use it in a variety of examples for shaping sound synthesis and composition, focusing particularly on modulating one control function with a lower-frequency version of itself, which is to say, shaping the sound at a different formal levels, by means of self-similar use of a single shape.
The example below shows the most basic use of the triangle waveform as both a carrier oscillator and as a low-frequency control function for the pitch of that oscillator. The carrier oscillator generates a triangular waveform with the tri~ object which, instead of producing an ideal triangle function, protects against producing partials that will exceed the Nyquist frequency. The pitch of that oscillator is modulated by a low-frequency oscillator -- a cycle~ object reading from a wavetable that has been filled with one cycle of a triangle function. (When the patch is first opened, the small part of the program on the right fills the buffer~ with the values needed to make the stored triangle function. It also sets the scope~ to show one second of sound per display; the scope~ refreshes its display every 344 buffers of 128 samples.)

The modulating oscillator has a rate of 3 Hz, so the pitch of the carrier oscillator completes 3 cycles of the triangular shape per second. Since the amplitude of the cycle~ object is 1, the pitch fluctuates + and - 1 semitone around the central pitch of 60 (middle C). We'll call the rate of modulation Fm (pronounced "F sub m", meaning the frequency of the modulator), which is 3 Hz in this case, and we'll call the depth of modulation Am (pronounced "A sub m", meaning the amplitude of the modulator), which is constant at 1 in this case.
We can vary the pitch modulation over a longer period of time by modulating Fm and/or Am with an even slower oscillator. For example, in the program below we use one very-low-frequency oscillator to modulate the amplitude of a low-frequency oscillator that is modulating the pitch of the carrier oscillator.

So the pitch modulation, with a rate of 6 Hz, is itself modulated in amplitude repeatedly every 15 seconds. This is a simple case of a a modulator modulating a modulator.